Leslie Caron and the Auberge La Lucarne aux Chouettes
– Leslie Caron and the Auberge La Lucarne aux Chouettes – An Interview with Leslie Caron Leslie Caron and the Auberge La Lucarne aux Chouettes The telephone rang. “Hello?” I

Harry’s Bar: A Celebration of a Modern-Day Wonder of Venice
Arriving in Venice I drove across the laguna on the Ponte della Libertà and into the Garage Communale around 2:00 a.m. At the barricaded entrance, the attendant in the

An Interview with Carla Capalbo
Carla is one of the leading writers in the world on Italian food and wine. She was born in New York and grew up in Paris and London, and for

Slitti: A Tuscan Chocolate Tale
Head out west on the A11 autostrada from Florence, exit at Montecatini Terme and drive south to Monsummano. Eventually you’ll see a yellow building on your right. You’ve arrived at

The Pursuit and Quagmire of Obtaining an Italian Drivers License
Probably the most convoluted and annoying Italian bureaucratic headache I’ve experienced so far was the process of obtaining my Italian drivers license, known as a patente di guida. I had

It’s Not Supposed to Snow in Tuscany!
No-no-no-no! This was not in the guidebook. This isn’t supposed to happen in Tuscany, but I kid you not. Snow made an imposing presence in Tuscany in the winter of

Carnevale in Venice 2003
This year I decided to visit Venice with some friends during Carnival, known as Carnevale di Venezia. I stayed at the Pensione Accademia which is not far from the Grand

Locked in Lucca
One weekend in October last year, I decided to visit Lucca. I thought I was long over due to visit it, especially since so many of my friends, particularly from

Fabio Picchi and Cibrèo
The Story of Cibrèo Lessons Learned From Fabio “I’m Your Chef, Not Your Mother.” Coming Soon: The New Teatro del Sale alla Cibrèo Città The Story of Cibrèo Photography by